Institut für Geowissenschaften - Allgemeine Geologie

pdf-file als downloadSeminar und Vorlesungsreihe SS 2006


im Rahmen des Landesexcellenzclusters "Geocycles"


"Evolution of Crust and Mantle: When did plate tectonics begin on Earth?"


Thursdays, 16:00 – 18:00, HS 6

27th April
Prof. Alfred Kröner, Mainz
Why is there a controversy when plate tectonics began on Earth?
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4th May
Prof. Stephen Foley, Mainz NB: Beginning at 15:15
Trace element signatures of early crust


11th May
Prof. Carsten Münker, Bonn
Crust-mantle evolution on the early Earth: the message from Hf isotopes and high field strength element ratios
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18th May
Prof. Jun Korenaga, Yale, USA
Evolution of plate tectonics, core cooling, and global water cycle
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25th May
Public holiday (Feiertag)


1st June
Prof. Harald Furnes, Bergen, Norway
Early life on Earth: Ichnofossils and microbially generated tubular structures in rims of Archaean pillow basalts


8th June
No lectures this week (Vorlesungsfrei)


15th June
Public holiday (Feiertag)


22nd June
Prof. Dennis Brown, Barcelona, Spain
The tectonic evolution of the Uralides: A look at the growth and destruction of continental crust during the building of Pangea
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29th June
Prof. Nicholas Arndt, Grenoble, France
Three-stage evolution of the continental crust and a cool mantle in the early Archean
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6th July
Prof. Julian Pearce, Cardiff, UK
Archaean subduction: When did it start and what was it like?


13th July
Prof. Lothar Ratschbacher, Freiberg
UHP rocks and their significance in plate tectonics
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20th July
Prof. C. W. Passchier, Mainz
Can structural geology provide evidence for plate tectonics in the Precambrian?


27th July
Prof. Albrecht Hofmann, Mainz
Isotopic evolution of the early crust/mantle system



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Aktuell: "Stein und Bein" – Bearbeitung von Schmuckmaterialien in Antike und Mittelalter; 14-tägig montags, 16:00 – 18:00, NR 350
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